Fatality Free Friday - 30TH MAY 2014

   26 May 2014

Promote a nationwide safety initiative and support Fatality Free Friday this Friday, 30th May 2014. MPE Safety and Risk Consulting encourage all colleagues and clients to make the pledge.

Fatality Free Friday continues to resonate with the Australian community and the efforts of this year’s campaign has reflected this. As we know road safety is a complex issue and it is impossible to find one single key to reduce road trauma.

Since its inception in 2007 the Fatality Free Friday campaign has continued to expand its operation and is now recognised as Australia’s only national community based road safety program.

It has successfully fostered community ownership, complex road safety issues and encourages those who can make a significant difference in reducing road trauma.

The campaign is more than just a single day. Whilst our target is to have a fatality free Friday ultimately we are aiming for a longer term community change.

Last year’s Fatality Free Friday event was a great success nationally –we thank everyone for their support and for making the day possible.

To date over 50,000 road safety pledges have been signed- this is an outstanding result. In addition we have been inundated with hard copies from around the country so keep referring back to our website to see how many pledges have been taken.

The media exposure was fantastic both the public awareness and exposure of the campaign is defiantly growing each and every year.

Don’t forget to make a diary note for the 2014 event being held on Friday 30 May 2014.

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Fatality Free Friday - 30TH MAY 2014