ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Standard heading to approval
In 2001, Australia and New Zealand pre-empted the British standard OHSAS 18001:2007 with the introduction of ASNZ4801:2001 (Australian and New Zealand standard). Both Standards align well with other management systems standards, such as ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management Systems) and ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management Systems).
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Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Standard (AS/NZS 4801) will soon transition to a new International Standard, ISO 45001
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MPE Celebrating 20 Years
MPE has reached a significant milestone, celebrating its 20 year anniversary.
Other News

MPE awarded Local Buy Asset Management Contract
Maintenance & Project Engineering Pty Ltd (MPE) has been successful in its bid to become a supplier of Asset Management Services to Queensland Local Government organisations, through its appointment to Local Buy Business Management Services Contract (Bus 252-0615).
MPE Appointed as a Local Buy Business
Maintenance & Project Engineering Pty Ltd (MPE) has been successful in its bid to become a supplier of Work Health and Safety Services to Queensland Local Government organisations, through its appointment to a Local Buy Business Management Services Contract (Bus 249-1013).
MPE Reaches 500 MDG15 Inspections
Maintenance & Project Engineering Pty Ltd (MPE) has completed over 500 MDG15 inspections for new and contract mining equipment. MPE started undertaking MDG15 compliance audits 10 years ago at the request of several mining companies. In more recent times, MDG15 inspections are specified in the Contracts for new equipment and carried out in consultation with the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) during the delivery process. MPE has also worked with OEM’s during the equipment design phase to ensure MDG15 compliance from the factory.
ISO55000 Assessment
Maintenance & Project Engineering Pty Ltd is now able offer certified assessments against the international standard for Asset Management, ISO55000. The Certified Asset Management Assessor (CAMA) status is a recognised qualification throughout the world and is an initiative of the WPiAM (World Partners in Asset Management).
Remote maintenance planning
Remote Maintenance Planning (RMP) isn’t a new concept. The idea of a central team undertaking maintenance planning and scheduling activities for multiple work locations has been around for some time. While there are examples of successful implementations, some initiatives fail to deliver the expected cost and efficiency benefits and as a result the organisation reverts to traditional work management structures.
MPE appointed to ADF standing panel on WHS
MPE are proud to announce being selected by the Australian Defence Force to be included on a standing offer panel for WHS services.s.